Here's a problem I've never had before, ever.
Several people have expressed several levels of interest in choreographing this production, and so the plan is to give everyone who is interested a fair shot, so that it's not just a case of "first come, first served" or "it's not what you know, but who you know."
So in the spirit of an open approach to filling the role, I'm now offering this open call for choreographers interested in working on Chicago. The producers and I will take inquiries up through April 25, with the intent of doing sit-down meetings with each interested party on April 27 (we can adjust as necessary). I hope to make this process as open and fair as possible, but it's definitely the first time the process of getting a choreographer has involved anything other than my picking up the phone and begging.
I will put together a more specific explanation of what I have in mind in the days ahead, but I want to get the word out sooner. You can email me at pagreene at for more info.
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